Why Footnotes in a Novel?

One of the unique features of Player’s Progress is the heavy use of footnotes and Scripture. This is done primarily to be faithful to the model of Bunyan’s 1678 classic The Pilgrim’s Progress, which had footnotes and scripture references on nearly every page. This is, like Bunyan’s work, a novel but also pedagogical. That simply means it is a teaching tool. This is far more than just a fun story for golfers or travelers. This is a study in Proverbs and Wisdom, and indeed a study into the mind of our Creator whose ways are far above ours.

Thus, attached list of verses is intended to help anyone who wishes to take a deeper dive into the scriptures in each chapter. It could even be a basic outline for a study of the precepts in the book. That includes of course the eighteen (18) holes of Hokmah, beginning with “Trust” and ending with “Wisdom”. But it also includes the wisdom of Job and many more characters found throughout the book. And of course, it includes a complete study in the last few chapters on the idea of the Treasures of friendship, marriage, suffering, and God’s special treasure.

So, you will find 132 Proverbs and another 111 scripture verses for a total of 243 passages in this pedagogical novel. I hope you will enjoy the read, but even more, learn some new thoughts for your mind and heart.