About the book

Player’s Progress is a novel following the same allegorical concepts as the classic John Bunyan tale, Pilgrim’s Progress, written in 1678, and using the teaching precepts from the great book of wisdom, Proverbs, all through the lens of golf.

The book is set in four parts.

  • Part One is the adventuresome journey to find Hokmah Golf Club, rumored to be the greatest golf course in the world. The course is found on a remote Orkney island called Mashal. It is not easy to find. Most people, even the locals on the nearby Isle of Westray, have never heard of it.

    The pilgrims get lost on their journey and meet several characters who try to show them the ‘way’. Alexander Sceptic is a local golf pro who doesn’t believe Hokmah exists. Sally Helpful does her best to help. Mrs. Doubter provides the perfect B&B stop-over for one night on Westray.

    But the next morning, a homeless-looking man named John appears on the road and points them down a Narrow path. Shallum Niblick greets the pilgrims at Yahweh’s Gate and arranges a tee time for them. Arthur Arrogant is not so fortunate. James and his uncle Zechariah guide the pilgrims on the Listening Ferry to Hokmah’s clubhouse, where Ben Hogan and his old friend Rufus greet the newcomers in the locker room.

    As Lucas and ProV prepare for their day on Hokmah’s hallowed grounds, they meet the characters who will accompany them on their eighteen hole journey.

    First and foremost is Hollie Spiritos, a caddie who has been there from ‘the beginning’. Much of the story’s wisdom comes from her mouth. Her friend Mr. T also appears to caddie for ProV.

    Adam is the original course superintendent, still  managing the epic garden of Hokmah. But he doubles as the starter and caddie master as well.

    Lady Wisdom greets the players on the opening tee with a speech for the ages.

    Mr. R.W. Wright is drafted to play with Lucas and ProV since he is a long-time member with a well-deserved reputation for right living and good golf. His caddie Barnabas is always at his side.

    Dr. W.D. Deadend from Sodom Valley, Arizona joins the group as the 4th, a rich but unhappy example of what not to do. His nickname, ‘Dubs’, is appropriate and his caddie, Mocker, is not much help.

  • Part Two starts with the nervousness of the first tee. All eighteen holes have been shaped by the Creator to teach a theme in the great book of wisdom, Proverbs.

    The pilgrims meet interesting and enlightening characters on each hole, each one showing how to live right, or sadly, how to live wrong. Some are from history. Some are fictional.

    The 1st hole is Trust, where the pilgrims meet Byron Nelson and Larry Nelson.

    On the 2nd hole, Truth, Judge Bigwig greets the players and Pontius Pilate sits arrogantly behind the green. Forecaddies Larry Liar and False Witness try to help Dubs to no avail.

    The 3rd hole is Eyes, where wild boars and bikinis offer distractions but blind Bartamaeus offers insight.

    Prudence is the 4th hole where Dewey Diligence forecaddies and Thomas Aquinas sits quietly overlooking the sea with his four dogs.

    The 5th hole is perhaps the most difficult on the course. Integrity is played alone in a darkness of clouds. The ancient Job and his three friends join Bob Dickson behind the green.

    The 6th hole, Patience, introduces the players to Billy Casper and stories of Zach Johnson. Persistent Widow is a forecaddie.

    King Saul is a regular on the 7th hole, Temper, where Simon and his old friend Malchus meet several times a week to renew their friendship.

    The 8th hole, Tongue, is the smallest in all of championship golf holes, but also dangerous. Larry Loudmouth, his girlfriend Gabby Gossip and their baby Rumors all greet the players, along with the silent Miranda and James Lesser.

    The long 9th hole is called Heart, where the great King David celebrates life with the pilgrims. He often is found on the ‘dance floor’ of the huge green.

    The front nine finishes at the foot of an unusual geographic anomaly for the Orkney Islands, known as the Mountain of Threesomes. Golfers have stopped for lunch and refreshment for centuries at the foot of this small but spiritual mountain . The most famous “threes’ of all-time greet the pilgrims, culminating at the summit with Jesus Himself breaking bread with Moses and Elijah. Not to mention his beloved threesome of John, Peter and James.

    Lukas and ProV avoid a wrong turn up the mountain toward a beckoning Dr. Farra C. Rules and his favorite Mt. Sinai. R.W. Wright makes sure the golfing pilgrims avoid that fatal climb.

    Along the path to the summit, they meet other famous three-balls.

    Ol’ Tom Morris with his two sons Tommy Jr and Jof.

    Vardon, Ray and Ouimet.

    Hagen, Jones and Sarazen.

    Hogan, Snead, and Nelson.

    Palmer, Player and Nicklaus.

    And finally, Tiger Woods appears with Sam Hwang and Ben Craig, making a three-ball of golfers who almost matched Nicklaus’ record in the four Majors of golf.

    Hollie waits quietly with a smile on the 10th tee as Jesus Himself speaks to Lucas and ProV at the summit. She knows that, sure enough, Player’s Progress is real. 

  • Part Three is the scenic journey through the back nine back to Hokmah’s clubhouse. A famous lighthouse, the club’s Logo, is seen on most holes.

    The 10th hole is Knowledge, where a young Bobby Longball combines brute strength with meticulous course knowledge to produce a new brand of golf. Behind the green is the great Jack Nicklaus and his best friend Ivor Young, offering a story of salvation.

    The 11th hole, Discipline, is the perfect venue to meet Bernhard Langer, the greatest senior player of all time. The Hall of Fame German shares his lifestyle and faith story with the players. John and Charles Wesley hang out behind the green.

    Jack Daniels is the bartender on Wine, the 12th hole, where Albert Alcoholic and Sonny Sober offer differing views on the value and dangers of alcohol.

    The 13th hole is Money. A nameless young rich man stays there all day while the demise of Judson Judas offers a warning to all. Forecaddies Richie Rich and Poorest O’Poore offer a contrast with George Generosity and the widow Mite.

    The longest hole in all of golf is the 14th hole, Women, which features Folly’s Forest, Samson’s Stream and a host of characters who attempt to lure the men into trouble. Eros, along with Samson’s Delilah, are difficult to ignore. Four contrasting groups of women gather behind the green. 1-Mrs. Nagger and Mrs. Complainer are not much fun. 2-Folly, Eros and Delilah and their friends get too much attention. 3-Rahab, Samaria, and Mary of Magdalene love to tell their stories of redemption and new life. 4-The remarkable Proverbs Thirty-One ladies are usually gathering for prayer.

    Sam Sluggard rises from a nap just long enough to greet the golfers on the 15th tee, Work. Behind the green is the father of all fathers, the hard-working Joseph of Nazareth, with callouses on his strong hands.

    The 16th hole is Pride, one of Deadend’s favorites, where they meet Nimrod Narcissus, busy staring at himself in a mirror and a still pond. The humble patriarchs Moses and Agur greet the players with words of wisdom.

    Finally, the clubhouse can be seen again from the 17th tee of Love. Socrates, Pluto and Aristotle pontificate nonsense on love from the back tee. John the Beloved, who lives in a small cottage overlooking the sea, joins the group in walking the hole, where they meet six handsome Greek versions of ‘love’. Behind the green are three “lovely” ladies of antiquity, Helen Hesed, Ava Ahava, and Agatha Agape.

    At last, the 18th hole. Wisdom, of course. The pilgrims are greeted again by the one and only Lady Wisdom, along with her friend Carol Mann. As usual, Freddie Foolish is waiting on his prey, leading Dubs to the nearby Fool’s Club where fools of every kind gather daily to congratulate and commiserate with each other. Dubs’ helicopter can be seen leaving Hokmah as R.W., ProV and Lucas are walking off the final green with hugs and thanks.

    The day ends with Hollie’s invitation to stay overnight and play a second bonus course called Segullah (Treasure in Hebrew). With no reason to rush home, the pilgrims quickly agree and check into the Dormie House. Dinner with Abraham and Sarah provides the perfect ending to the perfect day.

  • Part Four begins with a Monday morning Mulligan group, led by their new friend Mr. R.W. Wright. Wally Armstrong teaches the circle golf swing and then Paul Tentmaker gives a profound life lesson on ‘balance’. The room is filled with over thirty men from golf’s Hall of Fame and scripture’s Hall of Faith, plus three special ladies, including Hollie, who is welcome at every meeting.

    Just as Hollie promised, the Segullah course is a delight. No scorecard. No pencils. No competitions. No bogies or double bogies. Pure golf, including a memorable hole-in-one by ProV. With Deadend gone home on his helicopter, Segullah is a perfect two-ball for Lucas and ProV, walking casually with Hollie and Mr. T around this pure linksland.

    When an Orkney downpour stops play, Hollie leads them behind the 9th green to the Shed of Tears. In a holy moment, she mesmerizes the pilgrims with her ancient story of Job and his three friends. The sovereignty of the Almighty is explained in a way that ProV and Lucas had never considered.

    When the clouds roll back and the rain stops, Segullah’s back nine becomes the blue sky landscape for the pilgrims to find their promised treasures. The mystical Voice from the Dornoch Cathedral re-appears and sure enough, the pilgrims discover ‘wisdom in the sand and a treasure in the darkness’. There are three main treasures, plus an unexpected bonus.

    First, ProV discovers the treasure of friendship in the form of his only true friend, Lucas.

    Second, Lucas finds his treasure in his wife, Angelina, whose death ten years ago had left him wandering and lonely.

    Finally, both of them discover the treasure to be found in the darkness- in suffering, in trials, in tribulations. Lucas digs deep to tell his hidden story of pain and sorrow. ProV realizes that his own failures as a son, father and husband are now part of his own story of redemption.

    And just when you think the story is over, one final bonus treasure appears in an encounter with Moses and Malachi. The patriarchs open the eyes of the California pilgrims to the reality that God is also seeking a treasure- and that treasure is people like Lucas and ProV. “You are God’s special treasure,” says Malachi.

    ProV and Lucas leave the Orkney Islands as transformed men, as treasures of the Almighty.